A property filled with mostly low-water native plants perfectly suits our mild winters and warm, dry summers. Attracting birds, butterflies and beneficial insects, and with proper design, these properties can be low maintenance, use little to no water, and do not need soil preparation or fertilizers.
Plant choice is not only important for aesthetics, but can lower fire risk, ensure diversity for the local fauna, and reduce competition with natives thereby creating a monoculture. Invasive plant species contribute to these risk factors and a well-designed property can be beautiful while mitigating these risks.
Plant choice matters: CA native plants vs. highly invasive plants
Cal-IPC defines invasive plants as: plants that are not native to an environment, and once introduced, they establish, quickly reproduce and spread, and cause harm to the environment, economy, or human health. Invasive plants cost California at least $82 million each year. 
source: https://plantright.org/about-invasive-plants/plant-list/
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